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"Upon Further Review"

2010 Season Week 1 Clips

                                    Holder Down?  This play is governed by Rule 4-1-3-b (Exception).  If an offensive player has simulated a  kick or is in position to kick a ball that is held by a teammate for a placekick, the ball is not declared dead when the holder has possession and has a knee down. Are either of these circumstances present in this play?

                                    Illegal Advance ?    A player who signals for a fair catch is prohibited from deliberately advancing with the ball after completing the fair catch.  Did that occur in this play?  And if it did, which official should have seen it?

                                     Blocked Kicks and Roughing the Kicker   This play highlights why it is important to know who blocked the kick should Team B players impact the kicker immediately after he has kicked.  The kick was blocked and the kicker was contacted.  Should there have been a flag? 

                                    Batting Enforcement    How would you enforce a penalty for an illegal bat by Team B on this play?  Instant Replay negated the batting foul but had the receiver not been ruled down before the fumble, what would the enforcement have been?  It was 2d and 6 at the B-21.  Pass was completed to the 16 where you should assume A fumbled.  Ball was laying at the 16 when B batted it forward to the B-27 where A recovered and took the ball to the 23 where he stepped out of bounds.  Had Replay not intervened, what would the enforcement have been?

                                    Kick Catch Interference    This is one of the rules that many coaches and sports announcers still do not seem to understand.  If a kick is caught it is still possible to have a foul for kick catch interference.  Furthermore, the erasure of the "halo rule" did not create "open season" on kick returners. Does it matter if the interference is before or after the ball is touched?  Does it matter whether or not  there is a valid fair catch signal?


Rom Gilbert / August 11, 2010 / (index.html)